Koneczny claims that ethics is a science that deserves to be studies as all others. Ethical reactions may come from the heart but they need reason to be fruitfully employed. It is the Chinese who derive ethics from emotional assumptions. In the Latin civilization we base it on reason. Koneczny rejects the notion that morality is eternally unchangeable. It develops and he, as a historian, studied this development. It used to be acceptable to have slaves, now it is not. It used to be acceptable to have duels, now it is not. Revenge (vendetta) used to be considered a moral obligation, now it is forbidden. There is moral progress regardless whether in a particular society morality or immorality is dominant.
There is no crime that would not be considered a virtue in some society, be it killing children and the aged, sexual license in honor of some deity, human sacrifices, cannibalism, polygamy, polyandry etc. Yet all develop in the direction of improvement. This requires a culture of action.
The Development of Morality
Size: A5 = 148 × 210 MM OR 5.8 × 8.3 INCHES.
80 pages.
Media/Format: Paperback
Liberum Veto LLC
1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200
Sheridan, WY 82801
Publication Date: 2/2/2021